YDS Explained

YDS (Foreign Language Proficiency Exam) is an exam prepared by the Turkish government since January 4, 2013, and replaces the previously conducted KPDS and ÜDS. YDS has not only replaced KPDS and ÜDS, but also took its place in the education system for other systems such as KPSS and TUS.

Who Is Required to Take YDS?

Most of the candidates need 50 points for master's degrees, 55 for doctorate's, 65 for associate professorship, 70 for promotions in public institutions and 70+ for overseas assignments. Some candidates are university students and undergo intensive undergraduate education.

YDS Exam Format and Preparation Course

YDS, prepared by Turkish academics, does not require candidates to have an excellent level of English. Some of the exam questions (approximately 65-75 points) written within certain grammar rules can be solved with tactical information only. Therefore, a person who has at least an intermediate level of English can easily prepare for YDS. Instructors and training materials are the primary elements that play a key role in success in this exam.

At ELI, we make it easier for you to achieve success with our expert trainers and excellent books that contain information about the exam. You can contact our consultants for more detailed information about the YDS Exam and our exam preparation courses.

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