Exam Dates

GMAT Focus Exam Dates

The GMAT Focus exam dates in Turkey are held at authorized testing centers.

Exam dates: Depends on student interest at the test center and student applications

* During the Covid-19 outbreak, some GMAT Focus exams held in test centers were canceled. For detailed information about current test dates, please contact our consultants. Again, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, MBA, the official institution of GMAT Focus, offered the GMAT Online Exam as a new option to those who will take the exam. In this exam, participants do not need to go to the test center. Anyone who meets the GMAT Online Exam requirements can do the GMAT Focus exam online with an online supervisor.

Equipment Required for GMAT Online Exam:

- Desktop Computer and Laptop (Phone or tablet use is prohibited)

- Loudspeaker (Headphones are prohibited)

- The webcam must show the whole exam area (360 degrees).

- It is forbidden to use A4 or similar paper. Instead, it is mandatory to use transparent papers or a whiteboard with an erasable marker. (At the end of the exam "online supervisor" may ask you to show your scrap paper).

For more explanation about GMAT Online Exam, please visit: https://www.mba.com/exams/gmat-online GMAT

Exam Dates as of June 2024

1, 3, 4, 11, 22, 25, 26, June 2024

2, 5, 10, 12, 16, 23, 24, 30, July 2024

6, 14, 16, 20, 21, 27, 27 August 2024

3, 13, 17, 24, September 2024

TurkeyTest Centers:

BJK Plaza, Istanbul

Yıldırım Beyazıt üniversitesi, Ankara

You can get help from www.mba.com or our consultants to see all exam dates and availability.

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